Re-purposing Containers for Garden Starts : The Experimental Gardener

Re-purposing Containers for Garden Starts

by Linda Rigsbee on 02/29/16

I recycle, but I also re-purpose. Individual yogurt containers make great planters. I drill holes in the bottom with my little Dremel tool, but you could use a sharp knife and make little x cuts. I had some foil cupcake pans that I cut in half lengthwise so they would fit on my narrow window shelf. The yogurt containers fit down into them nicely. I filled the yogurt containers with seed starting soil, put the seeds in and watered them. I wrote with a pen on Popsicle sticks to label the plants. Then I covered them with cellophane and stuck them up in the window shelf to sprout.

Instead of Popsicle sticks, you can use bleach bottles, cut about an inch and a half off the bottom and save that to put under your bigger pots. Cut the top off and use the flat part to cut out labels that you can write on with markers. Cut a point into them and push them into the soil. You can re-purpose these as well when you plant the seedlings in your garden so you know what each plant is.

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